Aboriginal peoples first arrived from mainland Asia some 50,000 years
ago. For 99% of that time the great south land remained hidden from the
view of Europeans. It was only in the last 1% of that time that
Europeans started to 'discover' parts of the coast.
Dutch map of southern lands from about 1690
By the second half of the 16th century, Portuguese mariners had
established trading links with the spice islands of Indonesia and they
were later joined in the region by Dutch. The standard route to the
�Indies� was around the Cape of Good Hope then keep well south to pick
up the good winds before eventually turning north to head for the
islands. Using this route it was inevitable that some would be blown too
far east and in their subsequent northward journey would bump into
Australia. Some bumped harder than others as attested by the shipwrecks
along the Western Australian coast. However the first recorded Europeans
contact with Australia was a deliberate voyage of discovery undertaken
by Willem Janszoon aboard the Duyfken.
Janszoon set out from the spice islands with a crew of 20 and in
March 1606 sighted the west coast of Cape York. To our current
knowledge, Janszoon and his crew were the first Europeans to set foot on
Australia and the first to encounter Aborigines, but who knows what
shipwrecks and evidence are yet to be discovered. The chart from
Janszoon's voyage is the earliest known European mapping of part of
Janszoon was followed by Dirk Hartog on board the Eendracht a
decade later when Hartog unintentionally arrived at Shark Bay in October
1616. Subsequent voyages by the Dutch saw much of the west coast of
Australia mapped in the early 17th century. Perhaps the best known
episode from this period was the wreck of the Batavia with its
ensuing tale of mutiny, horror and murder amongst the survivors. The
rescue party hanged eight of the mutineers and abandoned two others on
the mainland. Were they the first European Australians?
In 1627 Fran�ois Thijssen aboard the Gulden Zeepaert sailed
along a substantial section of the coast of the Great Australian Bight.
However, probably the most remarkable voyage by the Dutch explorers was
that of Abel Tasman aboard the Heemskerck and the Zeehaen
in 1642-3. Tasman sailed from Batavia to the Southern Ocean and his
expeditioners were the first Europeans to sight Tasmania. Tasman charted
part of the west, south and east coasts of Tasmania. Tasman (or to be
precise, the ship's carpenter) staked claim of the land on behalf of the
Netherlands on 3rd December 1642. Tasman continued on to New Zealand
where he mapped the west coast of part of the South Island and all of
the North Island. He then continued back to Batavia via Tonga, Fiji and
to the north of New Guinea. He had thus become the first known European to
sail completely around Australia - even if it was was at considerable
distance for most of the journey.
By 1700, Dutch mariners had charted most of the north, west and south
coasts of Australia. Their reports of the land had been almost all of a
dismal nature and, apart from Tasman's effort of having his carpenter
swim ashore with a flag and flagpole, the Dutch made no attempts to
establish a colony. As fortune would have it, the one coast they had not
examined was the fertile east coast.
Useful references
The naming of Australia
1. A 17th century copy of the original chart is held in Atlas Blaue-Van
dr Hem, Austrian National Library, Vienna. ML XX/15 v.5, plate 125
First Sight: The Dutch Mapping of Australia 1606-1697. State
Library of New South Wales, 2006
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