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The White Hat Guide to what's on & things to do in Brisbane

Saturday 11th October 2025

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On 11th October 2004 Keith Miller died.

Events in Brisbane

Saturday 11th October 2025


Markets in Brisbane

Saturday 11th October 2025

Davies Park Market

Davies Park Market, West End

A large outdoor market featuring fresh produce, some of it direct from the farmer as well as clothing and large range of other goods. Parking can be an issue if you don't arrive early, so why not walk from the ferry. White Hat suggests you buy a breakfast and sit overlooking the river as a great way to start your weekend. More information at Davies Park Market >>

___________________  White Hat  ___________________
Marina Boardwalks Market
Drive or boat your way to the Marina Boardwalk Markets held every Saturday. As well as the usual fare you would expect at a good market - freshly grown produce, freshly harvested seafood, condiments and sauces, local artwork and second hand clothing - you will also find all manner of boating wares for sale including full boats. White Hat can particularly recommend this as a great place for boaties to stock up on goodies for their day on the water. ..
Powerhouse Farmers Markets
A colourful bustling market selling fresh farm produce flowers breads artisan products meat fish poultry plants organics and food related objects. For those who are purist about framers' markets needing to be operated solely by farmers selling their produce then this may not be for you. However White Hat can recommend it as a combination of framers' market and mainstream market, and in the end if you are serious about the origins of the produce you buy you can always talk to the stallholders (which you still need to do at the 'holier-than thou farmers' markets anyway). There are plenty of exotic products, special promotions, entertaining events and chefs give cooking classes. ..
Saturday Fresh Market
The Saturday Fresh Market at Rocklea is a great place to start the weekend. A whole range of fruit and vegetables as well as breads, meats and deli items. Find a comfortable cafe area, order a breakfast, get out your iPad or Tablet and read the weekend papers from around the world while feeling very much in Brisbane.

Free parking is available or priority parking is available at a smell fee. A tiny entry fee applies. More information at Brisbane MarketPlace ..

South Bank Lifestyle Markets
Arts, craft, fashion, jewellery, home wares, regional produce and more. ..
The Valley Markets
A Brisbane institution and a great way to relax with plenty of cafes, bars and to choose from. White Hat suggests you check out the cheap eats while you are there. The market features emerging fashion designers, jewellery, accessories as well as massage, clairvoyants and the range of activities you would associate with such a bohemian area. ..
Village Markets
A large market with plenty of fresh prduce, much of it from surrounding farms. The market also has second hand clothing, gourmet foods, bric-a-brac, flowers and performers with a strong bohemian and community feel. ..
Coming soon

Market Maps

Maps showing the location of markets on any given day
Stay tuned ...


Attractions in Brisbane

Saturday 11th October 2025

Roma Street Parklands
A wonderfully array of subtropical flora in tranquil surroungs within a short walk from the city centre. More info >>

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