Cruden Farm
Open Day
Once a month
White Hat
Private gardens
open days
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The White Hat Guide to
Cruden Farm
Cruden Farm
Cranhaven Rd
Cruden Farm
Langwarrin (near Frankston)
Once a month during the warmer season, Cruden Farm is open to the public. You are welcome to come for the day and bring a picnic if you wish. Sometimes, light refreshments may be available but White Hat suggests it is safer to bring your own and, after all, a picnic at Cruden Farm is a great privilege. On open days, the garden is open from 10am to 4pm.
A garden tour is available and lasts for over an hour. The tour commences at 10am sharp and must be prebooked on the
Cruden Farm website.
Open day entry costs $20 and open day entry with prebooked guided tour costs $35.
Tour dates are announced several months in advanced. Current dates are 14th October, 25th November and 9th December 2018.
Twilight Jazz at Cruden Farm
For White Hat, the Twilight Jazz at Cruden Farm is one of the special
events of the year. We strongly recommend you gather the family together and
get down to one of the most special gardens in Australia as there is only
one chance a year for the general public to experience it at the special
time of twilight.
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- Avenue of scented gum trees
- Twilight Jazz at Cruden Farm
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