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The White Hat Guide to what's on & things to do in Regional & Country Queensland

Tuesday 1st April 2025

April 2025
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On the first Tuesday of every month (except January) the board of the Reserve Bank of Australia holds a monthly meeting. At this meeting they decide on (among other things) the current settings for official interest rates. The official interest rates have a significant effect on financial markets, home buyers, mortgage holders and self-funded retirees. The rates are usually announced by mid afternoon.

On this day in 1732 the Austrian composer Joseph Haydn died.

Gold Coast

Gold Coast

Tuesday 1st April 2025



Tuesday 1st April 2025

Tropical North Queensland

Tropical North Queensland (TNQ)

Tuesday 1st April 2025

Innisfail Shire Hall Tours

Innisfail Shire Hall

The Innisfail Shire Hall is a heritage-listed building and the jewel in the crown of the Art Deco Capital of Australia.

White Hat can recommend this one hour tour to anyone interested in Art Deco architecture as it
takes you inside the parts of the building not normally accessible to the public outside special events.

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Free Guided Bird Tour

Volunteers from Friends of the Botanic Gardens Cairns conduct a free guided bird tour on Tuesdays at 7.30am. Details at Friends of the Botanic Gardens

Free Guided Walk In the Botanic Gardens

Volunteers from Friends of the Botanic Gardens Cairns conduct free guided walks, Monday to Friday, most weeks of the year. These walks commence at 10am from Friends’ House, near the Gardens Café, and are designed to meet the needs of casual visitors to the Gardens.

The walks last for about 60 to 90 minutes and showcase a number of different areas of the Gardens including the Conservatory, the Aboriginal Plant Use section and any plants that are putting on a particularly good display at the time. Details at Friends of the Botanic Gardens

Cairns Night Markets

With over 70 stalls and a range of food court options, the Cairns Night Markets are a major tourist shopping hub in Cairns. The market is under cover and operates every day of the year.

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Kuranda Rainforest Markets


Known by a number of names - Kuranda Original Markets, Original Kuranda Rainforest Market, etc - Kuranda is definitely a market town, and the markets are definitely aimed at tourists. If this is your cup of tea, White Hat suggests you allow yourself a few hours to take in what is on offer.

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Cairns Skyrail & Kuranda Train

Cairns Skyrail - cable car and train

Glide above the canopy of the ancient rainforest in purpose built gondolas that offer a sustainable birds-eye view of North Queensland’s living natural wonder whose prehistoric ancestry is some 60 million years older than the Amazon. Alternatively take the railway journey through the same landscape. You may choose to mix and match the two for a round trip. This tourism experience has won and continues to win numerous international awards. Details at Skyrail

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Mid Queensland Coast

Mid Queensland Coast

Tuesday 1st April 2025



Tuesday 1st April 2025

Mackay Orchid House

For garden and flower lovers, White Hat strongly suggests that when you in Mackay that you visit the stunning orchid display at the Ken Burgess Display House.

Set amongst the cooling trees and tropical gardens of Queens Park,  The Orchid House contains a range of beautiful and bizarre looking exotic and Australian native orchids. The collection includes some ground-living orchids but consists mainly of tree and rock living orchids.

Monday to Friday:  10 to 11am and 2 to 3pm
Sunday: 10am to 2pm
Admission is free.

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Tuesday 1st April 2025

Inland Queensland

Inland Queensland

Tuesday 1st April 2025

Outback Queensland

Outback Queensland

Tuesday 1st April 2025

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

Tuesday 1st April 2025
