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The White Hat Guide to what's on & things to do in Regional & Country Victoria

Sunday 10th August 2025


Bellarine Peninsula & west coast of Port Phillip Bay

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Bellarine Peninsula & west coast of Port Phillip Bay including Geelong

Belmont Market
A large indoor/outdoor market featuring craft & bric a brac. A small entry fee applies. White Hat suggests that if you enjoy garage sales then Belmont Market is like having 20 or 30 garage sales in the one location. In addition the indoor space has a range of low priced merchandise. ..
Drysdale Community Craft Shop Inc
The Drysdale Community Craft Shop has a range of unique uandcrafted uoods made by their members, Specialised baby bear, band bmbroidery, bnique jewellery, folk art, fand made cards, wedding charms, Australiana, paintings, patchwork & quilting. They also have a Lay-by and Order Service. ..
Geelong Computer Swap Meet
A large number of stalls selling new and second hand computer equipment and related goods. A small entry fee applies. ..
Geelong Showgrounds Market
An outdoor/indoor market with variety stalls, new and used goods. Casual stallholders welcome. ..
Laverton Rubble & Riches Market
A large indoor/outdoor market with trash & trasure, produce, clothes, furniture, hardware and a range of other goods. White Hat guarantees that if you are looking for a drive shaft for a 1983 Monaro or a missing pice of that Royal Doulton tea set then it will be there. We're just not quite sure where. ..
Mill Markets Newcomb
A large indoor market with permenant and casual stallholders selling antiques,collectables, vintage clothing, homewares, memmorabilia and retro fashions. White Hat suggests that if you enjoy the Chapel Street Bazaar in Melbourne you will find a similar range of items at the Newcomb Mill Market but with more space to move. ..
Point Lonsdale Primary School Market
An indoor/outdoor markwt with home made goods and craft. Accommodation near this market >> ..

Barwon Grange

A heritage home in Geelong from the 1850s with gardens and riverside walks. White Hat can recommend a visit to this this property for two reasons. Firstly it is is only fashionable mid 19th century valuable river frontage residences built along the Barwon River which remains intact. Secondly, while most homes change and evolve over time, it has been decided to maintain this property as a time capsule of 1855-6 which again makes it unusual among heritage homes in Victoria. A small entry charge applies. White Hat recommends that if you are interested in visiting Barwon Grange you are also likely to be interested in visiting The Heights Heritage House & Garden (see below) - this is about 10 minutes drive away and is also open on Sundays.
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Werribee Open Range Zoo

Almost 200 hectares of grassy plains and sweeping river terraces are home to a collection of animals from the grasslands of Africa, Australia and Asia. More info >>
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An impressive museum exploring the maritime history of Southern Port Phillip Bay. More information >>
National Wool Museum
Portarllngton Mill
A four storey sandstone steam mill built in 1856. This venue hosts various exhibitions throughout the year. More info >>
The Heights Heritage House & Garden
A German prefabricated house and outbuildings in Geelong constructed in 1855 then later refurbished in 1930s style. More info >>
The Mansion at Werribee Park

Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road and hinterland

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Great Ocean Road and its hinterland including Camperdown and Warrnambool & Port Fairy

Pombo Mart
A very large building (originally a butter factory) with a large range of antiques, collectables, old wares and plenty of surprises. White Hat recommends that if you are travelling the Princes Highway between Geelong and Warrnambool that you take a break at the Pombo Mart. There is a cafe and one of  the proprietors is Peter Brocklehurst "The singing cobbler" continues to ply his trade repairing watches and shoes, cutting keys and engraving. More information at Pombo Mart ..
Up Markets
New Fashion,Vintage and Cultural Art, become a stall holder in Lorne new indoor permanent market, we do all the hard work for you selling your products seven days a week, prime beachfront location in the heart of lorne's lively shopping hub, stalls and wall space available now. ..
Warrnambool Mill Markets
A market operated in the same style as the mills markets in Newtown and Daylesford. Stalls are available on a monthly lease and you will find all manner of clothing, jewellery, antiques, collectables and bric-a-brac. The market is located in the factory and gardens created by Fletcher Jones. ..
Warrnambool Undercover Market
This market has a range of bric-a-brac and variety goods. White Hat can particularly recommend the fresh flowers and produces sold by farmers off the bck of their trucks at this typical down-to-earth country market. Despite the name of the market, there are also a number of outdoor stalls in fine weather. No dogs are allowed. ..

Barwon Park

A historic bluestone mansion with 42 rooms and an enduring reminder to the wealth and success of the Western District graziers of the 19th century. The mansion also includes a room celebrating the achievements of the local soprano, Marjorie Lawrence. More information at The White Hat Guide to Barwon Park >>

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Cape Otway Lighthouse
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Muesum

Grampians & the blunt end

Grampians & the blunt end of Victoria

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Grampian Ranges and 'blunt end of Victoria including Hamilton and Horsham

Ararat Trash & Treasure Market

A long established indoor/outdoor market with with over 50 stalls and all proceeds going to charity. The market features trash & treasure, bric-a-brac, crafts and homemade produce.

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Johnny Mullagh Cricket Centre

Wimmera, Mallee & Mildura

Wimmera, Mallee & Mildura

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Wimmera, Mallee & Mildura

Moonambel Market
Second hand goods, local produce and other products. Alternative wet weather venue is the local hall. ..

Australian Inland Botanic Garden

This large site specialises in Australian plants of the arid inland region.

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Millewa Pioneer Village

Goldfields & Macedon Ranges

Hanging Rock Races
The traditional New Years Day races at the atmospheric racecourse at Hanging Rock.

Daylesford Mill Markets

A large indoor market with an emphasis on antiques, retro fashion and collectables. New stallholders are welcome. White Hat recommends that the serious browser for retro and memorabilia sets aside plenty of time because there are a large amount of goods on display. More information at Daylesford Mill Markets >>

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Ballarat Trash & Trivia Market

Over 400 stalls selling secondhand goods, crafts,etc.

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Bendigo Prince of Wales Showground Market

A large indoor/outdoor market with fresh produce, hardware, trash or treasure and bric-a-brac.Free admission and free parking with a family atmosphere.

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Ballarat Antique Market
This large antique market with a wide range of items is located on two floors of an old school building and also contains a museum with a small entry charge.It is morein the nature of a very large antique store and does not appear to have the space to cater for casual stallholders. When White Hat last visited (in April 2008) there was also a specialist coins area. ..
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery Arts Market
With original fine arts, acoustic musicians and artists at work. ..
Clunes Farmers' Market
Held In the historic main street of Clunes you can shop fro your local and organic produce at the Farmers' Market as well as browsing your way along the local bookstores and antique stores ..
Daylesford Sunday Market
Brought to you by the Daylesford Spa Country Railway, the Daylesford Sunday Market is one of the largest outdoor markets in Victoria with something for everyone. Also on offer are Vintage Train rides to the sleepy town of Bullarto on vechiles from the early to mid 20th Century Set in the historic Daylesford Railway Station, entry and car parking is free. ..
Maldon Market: Hand Made, Home Grown
The Maldon Market is a monthly farmers and makers market that brings together the very best hand made products and home grown produce from independent designers, artisans, craftspeople, gourmet food makers, growers and farmers. ..
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery
Australia's oldest regional gallery. and home of  the original Eureka Flag. More info >>

Bringalbit is a country property near Mt. Macedon retaining some of its original remnant Peppermint Gums, Yellow Box and Manna Gums fail to break the winds. These have been supplemented  confers, oaks, willow and poplar thickets, Monterey pines and Osage trees, nearly all planted in the 19th century. The large trees, together with a small creek feeding a couple of dams and the garden lake before cascading down it’s rocky falls below the spillway forms a peaceful retreat in country Victoria. There is a 60metre Quince Walk that delights in Spring and Autumn. Elsewhere in the garden swathes of roses, lavender, dianthus and gaura soak up the sun on the north facing terraces with their silver foliage context of snow-in-summer edging. There is a small entry charge per person (children free). More info >>

The Golden Dragon Museum

Central Victoria

Central Victoria

Sunday 10th August 2025

General indformation about Central Victoria including Echuca

Avenel Market
Make It, Bake It, Grow It ..
Girgarre Farmers Produce Market
White Hat can recommend this farmers' market for fresh regional fruit and vegetables wines preserves cheeses and crafts. (Please note it is on the 2nd Sunday of the month - not the 3rd Sunday as claimed in some publications). ..
"The Willows" Museum
"The Willows" Museum
Benalla Art Gallery
Benalla Costume & Pioneer Museum
Cactus Country

Royal Australian Armoured Corps Memorial & Army Tank Museum
Torrumbarry Weir

Mornington Peninsula

Mornington Peninsula

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Mornington Peninsula

Vintage Market (Rosebud West)

Vintage Market - held at Broadway Bazaar. This is a permanent market, full of vintage and retro bargains held in the old Broadway Theatre in Rosebud Pde, Rosebud. (beach side of the Rosebud Cinemas.) With over 60 permanent stalls of clothing, bric a brac, collectables, jewelry, curios. Café attached. Open 7 days. Mon - Sat : 9.30am - 5pm. Sun : 10am - 3pm . More information at Rosebud Vintage Bazaar

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Bittern Country Market
An outdoor market next to the railway station with trash & treasure, craft & local produce. You can find more information on Bittern Market in our newsletter No.144 and newsletter No.145. ..
McClelland Gallery and Sculpture Park
Mornington Railway
The Museum of HMAS Cerberus
The Sorrento Museum and Heritage Gallery

South Gippsland, Latrobe Valley & Phillip Island

South Gippsland, Latrobe Valley & Phillip Island

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about South Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley plus Phillip Island

Berwick Akoonah Park Market
A large indoor/outdoor market featuring craft, fresh produce, clothes, bric - a - brac. More information at Akoonah Park Market. ..
Loch Winter Market
Loch Public Hall Committee run five winter markets from May to September on the second Sunday of the month that are held in the hall. We have a variety of goods from local produce veggies, honey, jams and sauces, clothing ,hand crafts, bric a brac and lots more. So come along have a cuppa and scones and maybe a stroll around our historic village. All funds raised go towards the hall upkeep. ..
South Gippsland Tourist Railway

Yarra Valley & Ranges

Yarra Valley & Ranges

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the Yarra Valley and Ranges including the Dandenong Ranges and Healesville.

Gully Market
An outdoor market at the foot of Mount Dandenong comprises of a large Fruit and Veg stall, ferns, natives, rare bulbs, statues, jewelry, arts and crafts and many more. Water and some powered sites are available both Saturday and Sunday. ..
Upper Yarra Community Market
An outdoor market selling a range of goods. ..
National Rhododendron Garden
At The National Rhododendron Gardens you will find brilliantly coloured blooms of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, cherries and daffodils. Seasonal changes ensure the gardens are a delight all year around. When not in bloom, you can still soak in the beauty of rich bark textures, seed capsules, foliage shapes and beautiful fragrance as you stroll through the grounds. More information at National Rhododendron Garden

High Country and north-east Victoria

High Country and north-east Victoria

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about the High Country and North-East Victoria & Upper Murray

Albury/Wodonga Community Market
A large market with trash & treasure, produce, clothing, crafts and general goods. White Hat feels confident that you are unlikely to find goods in this market which have 'fallen off the back of a truck' - the venue is the Taxation Department carpark! ..
Rutherglen Farmers' Market
A farmers' market featuring a range of local produce including local olive oils and Murray Cod. ..
Wangaratta Trash & Treasure Market
Trash & treasure plus local produce. ..

East Gippsland & the pointy end

East Gippsland & the pointy end

Sunday 10th August 2025

General information about East Gippsland and 'pointy end' of Victoria

Gippsland Country Craft Market
All weather indoor market. Craft only done by Gippsland country ladies & gentleman the old fashioned crafters way. ..
Paynesville Market
A large outdoor market. ..
Rosedale Country Market
A small outdoor variety market selling art & craft, produce and trash & treasure. There is a bar-b-cue at the market where you can purchase hot food and drinks and the funds raised support the upkeep and maintenance of the Old School Building in the Prince Street Reserve where the market is held. ..
Sale Swing Bridge
The bridge opens at 3pm and 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays and 11am on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. More information at The White Hat Guide to the Sale Swing Bridge.