Porepunkah Country Market
Selling a variety of local goods and produce.
Albury/Wodonga Community Market
A large market with trash & treasure, produce, clothing, crafts and general
goods. White Hat feels confident that you are
unlikely to find goods in this market which have 'fallen off the back of a
truck' - the venue is the Taxation Department carpark!
Alexandra Market
An outdoor market with a wide variety of home grown and hand crafted goods plus train rides.
Hume-Murray Food Bowl Farmers Market
Meet some of the colourful personalities that grow a diverse range of fruit, vegetables & seedlings, produce chocolates, nougat, honey, wine, free range eggs, jams, ice-cream and so much more. There is a special twilight market from 5pm to 8pm on Wednesday 23rd December.
Beechworth Country Craft Market
Home made & home grown with no commercial products.
Bright Craft Market
High quality local art & craft with a philosphy of "Make it, Bake it, Grow it". A style market featuring produce, wine, art and artisans from the Alpine Region of Victoria
Tatong Farmers' Market
A farmers' market with local produce.
Corowa Federation Craft Market
An outdoor market selling arts & crafts, homegrown produce
Mansfield Bush Market
A market in a bush setting selling home made produce. Saturday before Melborne Cup and Saturdays of Queens Birthday and Australia Day weekends.
Rutherglen Farmers' Market
A farmers' market featuring a range of local produce including local olive oils and Murray Cod.
Wangaratta Trash & Treasure Market
Trash & treasure plus local produce.
Yarrawonga Rotary Market
An outdoor market selling a range of secondhand goods and craft.
Yea Community Market
An outdoor market selling a variety of local goods.
Moyhu Farmers' Market
A farmers' market featuring fresh local seasonal produce including cheese, fruit & vegietables, breads, relishes, honey and herbs.The market is held in the local Memorial Hall if the weather is wet.
Myrtleford Community Produce Market
An outdoor market with about 20 stalls where local producers sell vegetables, fruit, nuts, plants and other produce in season. Home cooked muffins are also available, Depending on the weather and other circumstances the market may continue for several Saturdays after the Easter Saturday cut-off each year.
Yarrawonga Farmers' Market
North East Victoria is renowned for a large diversity of produce including wines, nuts, olives, stonefruit, apples, prime beef, lamb, vegetables, honey, cheese and citrus. The Murray Cod, indigenous to the Lake Mulwala and the River Murray is also farmed and sold at this market. Organic tea also. The rich diversity of farm produce at this farmers' market entices anyone interested in food or foodie products. It is also a great way to meet and chat with regional producers.
Mount Beauty Community Market
An outdoor market (indoor on wet days) with a wide range of goods.