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The White Hat Guide to what's on & things to do in Wollongong

Saturday 30th August 2025

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On this day in 1835, the schooner Enterprize landed its party of European settlers organised by (but not including) John Fawkner to commence the settlement to be later known a Melbourne. Over time this date has been celebrated as "Enterprize Day'. In recent times it has been re-badged and re-marketed as 'Melbourne Day'. although White Hat is not sure that John Batman would be particularly happy with that name and date.

Events in Wollongong

Saturday 30th August 2025


Markets in Wollongong

Saturday 30th August 2025

Coming soon

Market Maps

Maps showing the location of markets on any given day
Stay tuned ...


Attractions in Wollongong

Saturday 30th August 2025

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